Daily sports picks analyzed by artificial intelligence

Start beating the books

SafeBet.ai analyzes thousands of games in 6 different sports into minor details. Our AI is trained to make accurate projections for future games.
3 Daily picks, 7 days a week
69% win-rate [Q1, 2024]
+1.000 happy monthly users

AI model trained by having analyzed 23.714 matches

Build on TensorFlow, ChatGPT 4.0 and Keras.io
By our small 🇳🇱 team of data analysts, AI experts and sports lovers.

858.058 data points collected

How it works

Stop making emotional betting decisions and let the data talk. SafeBet predicts what will happen in upcoming games.
Daily AI sports picks
Covering 7 sports
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Sign-up for SafeBet.ai

Choose between a weekly or a monthly subscription plan and join our private Telegram community.


Quickly analyze AI picks

We always recommend doing your own quick 5 minute research on a sports pick. You will learn a lot from it and make you a far more confident bettor.


Place your bets

You can choose your favorite betting sites to place the bets. Just make sure the odds are within our AI odds range.


Collect your profits

Start winning more sports bets. Collect your well deserved profits or increase your bankroll for even bigger bets and ultimately profits.

AI Safe Score

Our AI system calculates a safe score (between 1 and 99) for every pick. Based on variables as booking odds versus SafeBet.ai calculated odds, potential payout, historic matchups and key player development.

This score helps you with making decisions whether or not to go with the pick. Making it suitable for all kinds of strategies. From conservative long term players to aggressive risk-takers and the casual sports wager. 

Detailed Pick Reports

You can expect a detail breakdown for every sports pick.
Explaining the reasoning behind the pick, risks involved and the most lucrative platform to place your pick.

We cover single matches, parlays and EV plays (3-10% edge)

Analyzing 7 Sport Leagues

SafeBet analyzes over 100 games every day. Making the artificial intelligence system smarter each day. It currently analyzes 7 different sports and provides picks for 5 of them.

  • NBA
  • MLB
  • NFL
  • UFC
  • Boxing
  • Soccer [Beta; training advanced]
  • Tennis [Beta; training intermediate]
Emergency Bet Alerts

Sometimes there is a last minute change for a game, which can result in a recalculation for the safe score (positive and negative). Making certain odds more/less attractive, or even introducing a complete new sports pick.  

Our EV plays are often also send as an emergency bet alert. As the lines for those move quickly. Making speed crucial to act on them. 

Telegram Full Access Pass

We only have one plan which grants you access to ALL our picks. Meaning no sneaky upsells afterwards as is unfortunately common in the industry. Our full access pass is payable on a weekly or monthly basis.

It will grant you access to our private Telegram channel where all the picks are sent to. This way you receive an instant notification from Telegram on your phone when the new picks are available. You can analyze the reports quickly and act on them!

Frequently Asked Questions

“Predicting the future isn’t magic, it’s artificial intelligence.” – Dave Waters

Are the picks guaranteed?

No, in sports anything can happen. The AI system just analyzes the most likely outcome versus the odds. It will have games wrong! And predict many games correct. Based on the AI Safe Score and your personal strategy/goals, you should choose which picks to follow.
See SafeBet.ai as your advisor.

Can I try SafeBet out?

Yes, every Friday we send 1 free weekly pick out to our Telegram channel.

How much time before the game will I receive them?

Usually on the day or the day before the game. Knowing the formation of each team is crucial for our artificial intelligence system to make predictions.
Sometimes if the odds are too good, it will send the pick earlier. Same for EV plays and UFC/boxing matches.

What is the AI Safe Score?

It’s a score (1-99 points) granted to every pick. Calculated based on any variables the AI has analyzed and taken into consideration.
It indicates how safe the pick is for you to follow.

What if I’m dissatisfied with the results?

You can cancel your plan within 3 days and receive a 100% refund. You will have received 9 sports picks in total. Enough to make a general judgement about our service. This way you can test it without any risks.
If at anytime later you aren’t happy with the results anymore, you can cancel the plan anytime you want.

Should I take all the picks?

Possible, but not necessary. Some people in our network for example only take the picks with an AI Safe Score from 85 points and above. Others only take the picks in the NBA and MLB.
You should only take the ones you feel comfortable with.

Get your sports picks

Start beating the books with the help of AI. 3 Daily NBA, MLB, NFL or UFC picks delivered directly to your phone every day.